Preschool and Kindergarten ideas that begin with the letter G for letter of the week theme

Fearless Fashion With F-ABC Discovery Series
Gracefully Guided With G-ABC Discovery Series
If I Were An Elf
Conversations With A Squirrel

Sensory bin

We LOVE having this sensory bin outdoors each week. The children learn letters while they use their imagination to build and play. This week was gorillas and bananas-a modern take on the Zoo-Phonics character Gordo Gorilla.


Not much to this sensory bin! I used oats as my filler and grabbed a few giraffes and leafs. Simple and they loved it!


For some strange reason, my kids have an OBSESSION with garbage 😂. They love when I put out these mini trash cans that I snagged from the dollar tree. If you see them grab them! They will go fast.


Guess who?

Oh my cuteness this activity was fun! Great for farm theme as well 👍🏻. I don’t typically have the younger kids in the science area, so I was wanting to incorporate some more activities for the 2-3 age group. They LOVED this! There are so many ways to extend this activity.

  • Print, cut, and laminate your cards
  • Have kids look at the cropped image on the front and then guess who is in the barn
  • Open it up and see!
  • Match the animal inside with the cards provided

We added our farm animals to this activity and they matched those animals as well. After they matched them all, we went over animal sounds and sang “Old MacDonald”.

You can find this activity in my TpT shop here 👉🏻 Guess Who?


I recently took a trip to Montana to visit family and came across these BEAUTIFUL rocks/geodes/crystals in a small shop, (they can be found almost anywhere). I thought they would be perfect for a science activity, and I was right! They kids LOVED seeing all of the colors and using the different magnifying glasses to analyze them. I also purchased chocolate rock candies that look like real rocks as a fun treat.

Garbage sorting

As I mentioned…My kids love trash! This is a great activity for group or independent lessons, and can be used for several themes: i.e. community helpers, Earth Day, environmental etc.

Print and laminate your pages and cards and have kids sort by material and color.

👉🏻Check out the activity here

I do this activity every year for the letter G. It is so great to watch the kids eyes light up as the colors burst into the gelatin.

  • Prep your gelatin the night before (It must be plain with no color)
  • Add food coloring to some water

Have the kiddos use pipettes to squeeze the colors into the gelatin and watch as they burst inside.

Dramatic Play

Gas Station

It’s amazing what a few printables and an imagination can do for a child 💜

Garbage Man

Need more ideas?

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